So, yesterday, I found a triangle of brie in my frige that needed to be used.....I hadn't gone grocery shopping and didn't have a whole lot in the house. I did have an onion, so I sliced the onion and started caramelizing the onions with a little olive oil and coconut oil. I was contemplating adding cranberries or honey, but the idea of a sweet brie didn't really sound good to I kept looking. As the onions were caramelizing, I went and cut 5 sprigs of fresh rosemary off the plant outside and cut it up really small. I added it to the onions and they smelled YUMMY! I was still thinking of what I could add when I found bacon...hmmm......
Brie Appetizer with Bacon and Caramelized Onions
1 triangle of Brie (I didn't save the package, so I don't know the ounces. It was the
brie you can find at any grocery store. Not the whole wheel, just the triangle....I don't know how else to describe
1 white onion (caramelize with 1/2 Tbsp olive I said, I added coconut oil just to see how it would turn out and it turned out pretty yummy, but olive oil works fine too. You want to cook the onions slow and low until they are sweet.)
1/8 teaspoon fresh rosemary (cut up really fine)
6 strips of bacon cut up in 1/2 inch pieces
I caramelized the onions.....added the rosemary.....then when they were sweet, I removed them from the pan and cooked the bacon until crisp. After the bacon was fully cooked, I added the onions back into the pan. I put the brie into a small corningware dish and covered with the onion/bacon mixture. I baked at 350 degrees until the brie was melted. About 10 minutes. I served with whole grain club crackers. Seriously surprised myself with this one. I had no idea it was going to turn out so delicious, but it really did!